About Us

Divine Organic Foods is building on a great potential for commercialising cassava and sweet potatoes being the main crops prioritised by households for their food security and income in Northern Uganda.

  • Cassava:Introduced in Uganda between 1862 and 1875, it is currently one of the most important food and cash crop in Uganda, contributing significantly to basic food requirements of smallholder farmers. However, years of the devastating Cassava Mosaic and Cassava Brown Streak diseases caused massive crop losses to farmers and affected food security of many households coupled with war and displacement in Northern Uganda led to near extinction of the crop. (FAO). Divine Organic food recognized the need to tape into the current potential of the cassava enterprise. Cassava can be used for a variety of domestic and industrial purpose; as food, as starch for binding in the food and paper industry, High quality Cassava flour can also be as partial substitute to wheat for baking.
  • Sweet Potatoes (Orange Flesh Sweet Potato):is an important source of beta- carotene, the pre-cursor to Vitamin A. just 125gms of fresh sweet potato root from most varieties contains enough beta-carotene to provide the daily provitamin A needs of a pre-schooler (ICP). OFSP has the potential of fighting VAD in Northern Uganda which is currently records the highest number of children suffering from Vitamin A Deficiency. OFSP and its products are rich in beta-carotene; vitamin A and C; and fibres that support brain functions, enhances immunity, stabilizers blood sugar and promotes vision health. With good community nutritional education, increased consumption of OFSP enhances levels of vitamin A which bridges the malnutrition gap in children and deficiencies in pregnant women. OFSP can be used as food and when processed can be consumed in confectionary products as a partial wheat substitute and can be used as composites for porridge
  • Carrots
  • Beet Root

Our Services

  • Extension
    Our team of inhouse and external advisors are able to offer extension advisory services to farmers on crops within our value chain.
  • Contract Farming
    We are currently signing contracts with farmers within Lango, Acholi and Teso who are willing to plant cassava, Orange Flesh sweet potatoes and beet root to supply to our processing plant in Lira.
    Seed loans can be offered to farmer with terms and conditions
  • E-Farming Smart Card
    In partnership with Deve-space, we are offering our farmers smart cards that they will be able to access several services among them are:

    • 1. Extension support information
    • 2. Market information on a variety of crops
    • 3. Updates on the company’s production demand and prices
    • 4. Access to information on farmer credit services
    • 5. Access to seed discounts and seeds loans
    • 6. Receive seasonal rewards.
  • Linkages
    As a player in the roots and tuber value chain in Uganda, we often link farmers to opportunities that would benefit their enterprise. These vary from market linkages, capacity building opportunities, networking with other likeminded institutions


As a player in the roots and tuber value chain in Uganda, we often link farmers to opportunities that would benefit their enterprise. These vary from market linkages, capacity building opportunities, networking with other likeminded institutions

These are our fresh farm produce:

  • Certified Cassava Cutting (Local)
    NASE 14
    Farm Gate Price: 30,000UGX
  • Certified Orange Flesh Sweet Potato Vines
    NASPOT 8
    NASPOT 12
    NASPOT 13
    Farm Gate Price: 30,000UGX